Graduate School 주메뉴
A course targeted to help graduate students develop basic competencies; strengthens the ground for research methods and handles diverse research methods attentively
Aims to promote mutual cooperation and assistance of R&Ds and mutual exchange of human and physical resources for the efficient development of technical engineers and innovative growth of industrial technologies through academia-industry cooperation
Targets to help students build the ability to prepare and submit a study plan prior to writing down a thesis
Aims to make students have a general understanding of smart convergence engineering and recognize its educational goal and curriculum
Targets to handle all processes for smart products such as design, marketing, PR and even inventory control
A course designed to learn the design and production of machine and equipment used by humans after analyzing diverse fields of human-related studies such as anatomy, physiology and psychology; targets to design products in consideration of human characteristics and set configuration
Aims to review the big data collection & analysis process, using Python and promote the practical use of big data analysis results with the basic concepts of statistics
Makes it easy and clear to transmit information by visualizing big data collection & analysis results, using Python
Helps students make and utilize PCBs in person, using PCB production equipment
A Microsoft foundation class (MFC) library (C++ program library); helps students learn and utilize the program, using the class library attached to the Microsoft Visual C++, an integrated development environment (DE) for the Windows application program
Educates students to be able to construct a vision analysis & utilization system
LabVIEW offers a graphic programming approach which can visualize all aspects of applications including hardware setup, measurement data and debugging. It is easily connected to measurement hardware by visualization option, expressing a complicated logic, using diagrams. It can also develop a data analysis algorithm and design a user-defined engineering user interface. The goal is to implement an automation system, focusing on motion control.
LabVIEW offers a graphic programming approach which can visualize all aspects of applications including hardware setup, measurement data and debugging. It is easily connected to measurement hardware by visualization option, expressing a complicated logic, using diagrams. It can also develop a data analysis algorithm and design a user-defined engineering user interface. The goal is to construct a vision system through image analysis.
Examines business management strategy cases every week by inviting CEOs
Learns the elements of commercial convergence products and reproduces the product design process in detail; implements equivalent products through assignments and builds knowledge ground to produce diverse industrial convergence products
Helps students have a better understanding of patent system and information associated with the concept and technology of industrial property rights such as invention, trademarks and design
Understands the basic concept and components of smart factory and improves the basic competency of smart factory through the indirect experience of smart factory in diverse businesses through a case study